camping oct. 2009

camping oct. 2009

Brendan is my rock

Brendan is my rock

me and my boy

me and my boy

Friday, April 30, 2010

Streaking, ripping and biting - oh my

I hate to only post when I have a rough week, but that's just the way it goes, seems like. Brendan has been working very late nights due to lots of upheaval in his office, client issues, etc., so it seems like a longer week than usual. Highlights include:

Liam on a RIPPING frenzy. He ripped two of his new "Friday fun night" spongebob books, as well as several papers at school. A breakthrough though: right after he ripped something for his new Hab worker, he looked upset and said "Oh no mommy's gonna get mad" and put himself in timeout. Progress? You bet, since he demonstrated awareness of his naughtiness. I think he rips due to being frustrated, and without having the necessary words, he rips to let that frustration out. Working on setting up a "ripping corner" for him, like his teacher started to do at school.

Today I found a note in his backpack from his teacher: again, due to frustration, he bit another student on the arm at the end of the day. Hence his talking about "Did you bite? Yes, no Liam no bite" in the car to and from swim lessons. Wonderful.

Aedan STREAKED through the gym day care today; I had just gotten into the shower after a run, and I hear one of the teachers calling my name with a "Aedan stripped off his shorts and pullup and is running around laughing, naked." Apparently they can't even touch a kid enough to put a pullup back on, due to regulations of some sort. So I sudsed off, threw on my dress and a towel over my sopping hair, and went to get him. This apparently is one of the fallbacks to potty training using the "naked" method at home. He's rocking it though, as long as he's home, and now I have to teach him to a) wear shorts and take them OFF to pee, and 2) go in public restrooms every time.

Audrey the diva? Oh, she's been in full force. Two timeouts for back-talking (and one for hitting) before 10 am today. And no signs of slowing down, except for a few notable moments of sweet, cute girl. As I write this Liam is shrieking and saying "ouch that hurt, I don't understand" and audrey is hovering in the background. I just asked "DID YOU BITE HIM?" and she replies "No I hit him."

Time for a mommy time out...

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